The comics adaptation created by Roy Thomas and Mike Mignola and based on the Francis Ford Coppola film returns to print after a decades-long absence. Thomas is set to write the graphic novel adaptation of I Married Adventure, the best-selling memoir of explorer Osa Johnson. Grand Design is representing rights for I Married Adventure in association with the Martin and Osa Johnson Safari Museum.
Roy Thomas’ decades of writing comics and graphic novels not only includes writing every major Marvel and DC character, and creating scores more characters for both companies. Thomas is also accomplished at adapting works from other mediums to graphic novels, including films, classic novels, opera, and even early Atari video games. Thomas’ adaptation of Robert E. Howard’s Conan the Barbarian brought the character to a wider audience, and his adaptation of George Lucas’ Star Wars sold so well it is said to have saved Marvel Comics.
Mike Mignola is one of the most popular comic book artists of the past thirty years, known for such important works as Batman: Gotham by Gaslight, Cosmic Odyssey, and, of course, Hellboy. Considered to be among Mignola’s greatest works, Bram Stoker’s Dracula was his last project before Hellboy launched and was originally released as a full-color four-issue adaptation of Francis Ford Coppola’s 1992 movie released by Columbia Pictures (Sony).