Released on August 3 in French-speaking countries is the magazine Dimension Pokémon – Hors-série 1 from Panini. The editorial content of this special edition of the regular Dimension Pokémon magazine was entirely packaged by GDC Magazine Production Services. Like most magazines in Europe, it came packaged with a “gift” – in this case, a pack of colored pencils.
For this special edition, GDC created – on short notice – a 32-page magazine containing coloring pages, activities, and games. The coloring pages were set against full-color backgrounds while the games and activities were all original and incorporated plenty of Pokémon and their human trainers.
For more information on GDC Magazine Production Services, check out our MAGAZINE PRODUCTION page.
Here’s how Panini describes the special edition on their website: “Discover in this special issue of the official Pokémon magazine games and coloring pages to enjoy Pokémon all summer long! Meet Sacha (Ash), Pikachu, Goh, Flambino, Team Rocket, and many others…”